"We've never seen this legislative effort to refine... Not even to refine; just to mutilate the appraisal process." - Caeden Tinklenberg
⚠️ Join Sarah Parker of Parker Public Adjusting and Caeden Tinklenberg of Swift Public Adjusters to learn how Iowa House File 2299 may affect you and other policyholders nationwide, what's at stake for consumer protections within the property insurance claim process, and what you can do to help!
📢 Contact Your Iowa Senator about Iowa HF 2299:
Iowa policyholders (especially those that have experienced a positive and fair result from the insurance appraisal process), contact your Senator!
Google search: "find your legislator Iowa." or visit https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/find
Once on the website, put in your address. This bill is past contacting your Representatives, so please write and call your Senators as soon as possible!
🤝🏻 Support Policyholder Advocacy Groups:
United Policyholders: @uphelp
American Policyholder Association: @theapassociation
American Adjuster Association: @americanadjusterassociation
💡 Follow Parker Public Adjusting for all things first party property insurance:
ClaimPulse Blog: ppaclaim.com/blog
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCLFWR8XqAEU4a-vW_nEOhOA/
Facebook and Instagram: @ppaclaim
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/companies/ppaclaim
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